
The doomsday arrival of endless darkness has finally descended upon us. Daylight Saving Time, the recent communal setting back of our clocks across the continent has dawned light on what I like to call “the waiting period” we currently linger in–at least on the West Coast. Let’s be honest, for outdoor adventure junkies this time of the year can be a rather dark and gloomy pre-season phenomenon, which we all happen to share in common. Therefore, in this shared time of darkness let me shed some light on the bright side of this so-called “waiting period” AKA–the calm before the snow. #dreamingofsnow

Snowshoes, skis, boards, skates and gear are all top of mind to all of us right about now and although we’re ready to rock the trails and the mountains…the snow has yet to “officially” arrive. You’ve already hit the pre-season clinics, the gear swaps, trained your body in pre-season bootcamps but still you wait. We all wait, for the green light that enough snow has finally landed to officially declare the 2012/2013 season a “go.” The moment in time when we no longer wait and we can actually go play outside in the snow with friends, family, furry pets and of course self.

Just when you think the doomsday darkness has done you in and you just can’t take it anymore–your Twitter feed chirps in excitement–because a collective cyber snow stoke is now brewing and building and everyone wants to be a part of it. Jumping on the Twitter train allows you and every other snowshoer out there to come together in a place of light vs. snowless darkness.

Basically in a 140 characters or less you can share information with fellow trail blazers across the globe waiting for #winter to finally arrive. Follow your favorite resorts, clubs, athletes, outfitters, retailers, suppliers, trendsetters and plain nobodies. Search who and what inspires you at that moment in time and then scope who they follow. You’ll be amazed at the wealth of information not to mention how many strangers find your snowshoe ventures interesting and intriguing. There’s no better time than now to jump aboard the Twitter train.

Only then will you have a voice in a world once left only to experts and journalists. A chance to make a statement, ask a question, share your best kept secret trail or tip–whatever floats your boat, because chances are good your words will be heard and possible Retweeted (RT). Without even thinking about it you will be hurled into the cyber world of the great outdoors. Yes it really does exist and yes you really do want in. Nothing beats-pre season blues like partaking in a collective force. #winteriscoming

If you’re one of those “anti-social-media” outdoorsy types, there’s even more reason to give in. Twitter can be your outdoor adventure news feed, a way for you as an individual to capture important outdoor information first plus a great way to win some new gear and share your personal story.

The mountains have hired, the blowers are working overtime and Twitter is on fire with widespread snow panic. As you and every other snowshoer out there wait out the final stretch for snowfall, why not join the movement–just for the fun of it.

Happy pre–season waiting. We are only days away from the light at the end of the tunnel. #Snow

Follow me on Twitter @Playoutdoorsvan


  • Steph Florian

    A resident of the North Shore and avid Weekend Warrior, slowing TV Host Stephanie down just doesn’t happen. Always chasing her next ‘adventure’, Vancouver’s active wonder-woman spends her time on the mountain, in the surf, on the mat and playing with her 2 boys.

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About the author

Steph Florian

A resident of the North Shore and avid Weekend Warrior, slowing TV Host Stephanie down just doesn’t happen. Always chasing her next ‘adventure’, Vancouver’s active wonder-woman spends her time on the mountain, in the surf, on the mat and playing with her 2 boys.

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