This is it! There are only two weeks left to gather clues and find the spectacular cache of outdoor gear, hidden somewhere in North America. The Grand Prize, worth $15,000, includes a 2011 SylvanSport GO, and an array of fantastic outdoor gear from the sponsor partners.
The nationwide treasure hunt started on Monday, April 4th when the first clue went live on Each week, for eight weeks, a video clue and geo-coordinates to guide participants to the ultimate hiding place, is posted on the dedicated website: Participants follow the clues and coordinates from any internet connected device as they zero in on the final location somewhere in the U.S. or Canada. The final clue gives the exact location and from there, it’s anybody’s race!
Six clues have been revealed so far, which means a large portion of the continent can now be ruled out. People continue to enter every day, as they realize that they too can still be the winner of this fantastic $15,000 gear prize package.
This year’s Final Reveal Event is sponsored by Oskar Blues Brewery of Colorado. At this event there will be a large gathering of folks from all over the country, more giveaways and a few surprises. To find out more about Oskar Blues Brewery, visit their site at
Joining SylvanSport in sponsoring this unique event are Yakima, SPOT, Kelty, Niner Bikes, Emotion Kayaks, Grand Trunk, Black Diamond, and KEEN Footwear. The GO and the Grand Prize gear package are valued at more than $15,000. The event also features great prizes for the 2nd and 3rd place finishers, and online giveaways throughout. See all of the prize details at