From the wonders of the locked-and-keyed laboratories of Wilderness Athlete deep in the Arizona Mountains, the famed Formulator, nameless to mere mortals of the daylight, pulverizes batches of Green Infusion to a dry powder, finer than sugar, healthier than the Fountain of Youth.
The Green Infusion label reveals in mystic tones the secrets within: Steeped with fruits, vegetables, herbs, essential nutrients and probiotics for a balanced nutrition and increased energy.
What promise lies in a statement like “balanced nutrition.” Isn’t that what athlete’s seek? It must be true that anyone who does work, whether competing in a massive snow-churning USSSA snowshoe championship or braving a blizzard while haying the horses, is an athlete requiring balanced nutrition . . . .
Think a little “increased energy” Green Infusion promises might just come in handy out there mending fences or battling the final grueling miles of the Mountain Masochist 50-mile ultra trail race . . . .

Tuscobia Winter Ultras race distances up to 150 miles on the last weekend of the year using either bikes, skis or running in Northern Wisconsin.
Nutritional energy creates the magic solution—your wand—that Green Infusion slaps in your hands. Slaying the dragon requires more effort.
So, to vivify the wonders of Green Infusion, I traveled to the top of the Rocky Mountains where I found Dr. Jeff Kildahl, Snowshoe Magazine’s Wellness Editor, contemplating the world from a very large boulder. He began as a professor talks to a lab assistant, coach to player, Roy Rogers to Trigger . . . .
“Phytonutrients are natural and biologically active compounds found in primary source foods. The Greek translation is ‘plant.’ Phytonutrients are plant compounds that boost your immune system. Phytochemicals offer benefits independent of its nutritional value.”
“Oh.” I asked, “You mean they go, as the line says, ‘above and beyond?’” He shrugged off my attempt to interpret these “phyto” words.
“Phytochemicals act as a plant’s natural pest deterrent; plants laced with pesticides fail to produce phytonutrients. Organic foods offer the best phytonutrient bang for your dollar.”
Before I could ask him for one of those dollars, he cut me short with these words: “Phytochemicals are classified as a micronutrient and a specific form of antioxidant. The value of these plant compounds is only as effective as the soil in which it was grown. Conventional agricultural methods deplete soil quality and, instead, mass produces nutrient-deficient foods. It is beneficial to consume organic foods as often as possible in the spirit of optimal health.” Note to self: find the nearest organic food market.
Dr. Kildahl turns to speak to the clouds now, beginning to transform as I’ve seen him do, to “Dr. Kildare,” solving all emergencies as done in the classic one-hour television programs of yonder year. Losing that I’m there, he teaches the air. “Nutrient density is the barometer of food’s true value.Did you get that?”
Yes, yes! One determines the real value of a particular food through its concentration of nutrients.
“Nutrient density,” he now writes in the wind like it’s an easel, “is the ratio by which micronutrient content is averaged and divided by calories. Phytochemicals are not listed on the USDA Recommended Daily Intake list, but beliefs exist that a vast quantity of these jewels sparkle with benefits beyond our existing knowledge.”
As Stanley Kubrick would film in his classic 2001: A Space Odyssey the gains reach to “Infinity and Beyond.”
“So these phytos are like gold for our physiques?” I query. In a way, yes, he nods, yes; but the professor never answers directly. Rather, he makes one think, by providing a new revelation that floors the student:
“Phytonutrients are not essential for life, like vitamins and minerals, but their role in enhancing optimal health is vital. The World Health Organization dubbed micronutrients as the magic wands that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones and related substances for proper growth and development.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a specialist in nutrition-based treatments for obesity and chronic disease, took the nutrient-density ratio to a new level by factoring in antioxidants to measure the true value of food. These antioxidants include the miraculous benefits of phytochemicals. Phytonutrients act as agents to protect your body by thwarting tumor formation, stimulating cellular proliferation, repairing DNA, mitigating inflammation, fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.
“Does that mean there’s no fungus among us?” I cracked up with a sly grin on my face, happy for my clever word association; that is, until he rapped my knuckles with a switch.
“Phytonutrients impact cardiovascular health by repairing blood vessels, reducing clot formation, platelet coagulation, and reducing blood cholesterol levels. Phytonutrients can prevent osteoporosis, macular degeneration, and cataracts just to list a few benefits.”
How does all of this translate to winning a USSSA National Snowshoe Championship medal, standing on the podium?

Chasing leaders at the USSSA National Championships, Cable, WI; The ones in front get on the podium. (photos: Copyright: Used with permission. Dean S. Acheson photo)
“Here’s an example,” like he is opening the last scene of this week’s episode of Dr. Kildare in Blair General, the series’ fictional hospital. “Phytonutrients in tomatoes, for example, will improve blood vessel elasticity to maximize blood flow through the heart thereby lowering risk for cardiovascular disease and enhancing endurance sports performance. To harvest the enormous health-promoting benefits of phytonutrients it is imperative to include a consistent and wide array of plant foods in your diet.
Dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, blue and purple fruits are bursting with compounds like carotenoids, flavenoids, lignans, phenolic acid, phytosterols and much more to maximize optimal health and sport performance. Best sources are organic fruits and vegetables, organic seeds, organic nuts, green tea, yerba mate and rooibos.

91-year-old farm girl in Tennessee harvests bushels of peppers in addition to every thing else Dr. Jeff has on his list.
Specific sources are all dark leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, blueberries, blackberries, plums, cherries, tomatoes, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, flaxseeds and soybeans,” continuing to teach the sky as he handed me his shopping list; not a bag of Doritos on it.
“Chlorophyll, Phil, is the abundant pigment in plants and offers powerful healing effects. It has been used therapeutically to detoxify, heal wounds, deodorize internally and the like. Its role as an antioxidant is noteworthy in foods like spinach, parsley, sea vegetables and green olives. Whole fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw to maximize the synergistic effect of phytonutrients.”
What you’re asking us to do, Doc, is spend days at the food market or co-op where an athlete can find all of these things. As it is with most of us, an extra 15-minutes daily is like a gift from the Great Spirits; I can’t even get there, wherever there is, in that length of time. I can’t afford the time.
He rolled his eyes, wondering how this pupil made the class. Then he softened, realizing he was the one who had the answer to my quandary; it took a mountain top to recognize it.

Lawn Lake Area, Ypsilon Mountain in the Rocky Mountain National Park; mountains and trails have a great propensity to solve problems as Dr. Jeff found. (photo courtesy Rocky Mtn. National Park)
“Alternatives exist to boost your immune system and spike your endurance sports performance. The way to ensure digestion, absorption and assimilation of phytonutrients is to consume Green Infusion by Wilderness Athlete; that option won’t prove to be too much daily-chewing for your hectic schedules.”
What an ending; Dr. Kildare slays the Phytonutrient dilemma! We CAN have our cake and eat it too; whoops . . . he’s staring at me now.
Imagine all of those benefits from the fruits, herbs and vegetables in the nearly one-pound tub. Add a scoop to a drink, or utilize how I have learned to use Green Infusion: mix it in with my meal. If vegetables, I will sprinkle the fine grains of this emerald gold-dust and stir them around.
So if I use two scoops per day for two meals, the tub lasts a month. A tub costs about $0.83 per serving, so my average daily cost is $1.86.
Buy all the ingredients together, one can spend big bucks a day!
Green Infusion must also help in mathematics, too, because, look at this: I calculated it is a far less expensive alternative plus saves oodles of time. And, I figured all of that out by myself (okay, okay, Dr Jeff helped some).
Yes, Wilderness Athlete products are Gluten Free
connect with Jeff Kildahl , Ph. D
connect with Phillip Gary Smith
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