“Every man’s disease is his personal property.”
~Alonzo Clark
The number one nutrition limiter to peak performance is depleted glycogen stores.
Our penchant for immediate energy via sugar-based fuel sources is misaligned. Simple sugars such as dextrose, fructose, glucose, sucrose, and the glucose polymer maltodextrin are ubiquitous yet poor fuel choices on the trails of fresh powder.
Maltodextrin and sugar-based fuel options may temporarily rescue blood sugar levels during crashes but the rapid breakdown qualities insidiously set the stage for insulin roulette.
The consequences of ingesting said products to fuel the crash and burn roller coaster are substantial respective to compromising your health and snowshoeing experiences.
A more prudent carbohydrate source would exhibit low osmolality and gradual assimilation to temper insulin spikes and promote fat oxidation.
The hormone that inhibits fat oxidation and stimulates fat synthesis is insulin. Carbohydrate is the primary stimulant of insulin and its glycemic index determines its level of instigation.
Reliance on insulin-stimulating carbohydrate is the fastest way to sabotage performance and foster chronic and degenerative disease risks.
Metabolic Efficiency
Metabolic efficiency is the body’s ability to utilize its endogenous stores of carbohydrate and fat at varying exercise intensities, durations and at rest.
Metabolic efficiency is an easy, sustainable, nonrestrictive, flexible plan with blood sugar control and optimization the outcome. It is focused on the manipulation of the symbiotic relationship between diet and exercise.
Effective dietary manipulation [75 percent] and exercise adaptation [25 percent] will enhance mitochondrial capacity, promote redox signaling, mitigate insulin spikes, decrease caloric needs, propel lipolysis, and profoundly mitigate health markers.
Metabolic efficiency creates the enviable quality of significantly reduced caloric intake during exertion because the body is proficient at fat oxidation even at high intensity. Its far-reaching, cost-effective benefits have the potential to transform health care.
Benefits of a metabolic efficient dietary pattern include:
- Improved satiety;
- Increased thermogenic response;
- Improved lipid profile;
- Controlled inflammation;
- Enhanced memory;
- Reduced cravings;
- Lower fasting blood sugar and insulin;
- Controlled blood sugar [hormonal stability];
- Improved sleep quality
Metabolic efficiency merges four disciplines [exercise physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, and metabolism] with behavior modification.
Insulin Police
Optimal blood sugar is the key to health and human performance. A metabolic state of increased fat oxidation and decreased fat synthesis is induced by low insulin levels. The anabolic nature of insulin becomes chaotic when blood sugar is not controlled.
Fructose is more sinister than glucose. It has the propensity to be converted to fat because it is metabolized by the liver whereas glucose uptake via the musculature is either converted to glycogen or oxidized.
A common misconception is the need to ingest a high glycemic carbohydrate immediately after exertion to facilitate glycogen synthesis when said process is independent of insulin levels.
The beauty of fat oxidation during exertion is that it attenuates any pre-conceived fixation on glycogen replenishment during recovery.
Elevated insulin levels inhibit the secretion of glucagon which stimulates the liver to convert glycogen to glucose, accelerates lipogenesis, incites fat accumulation in adipose tissue, and triggers carbohydrate oxidation, among other evils.
Pancreatic Hiatus
Generation UCAN is a revolutionary complex carbohydrate product promoting insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance. Its patented, non-GMO SuperStarch formulation boasts high molecular weight, low osmolality, and a host of health and performance benefits.
It is metabolized in the intestines rather than the stomach. This is important because it stimulates lipolysis and preserves precious glycogen stores. Other benefits validated by science:
- Optimized performance;
- Maximized health goals;
- Minimized refueling frequency;
- Elevated performance intensity;
- Modulated insulin response;
- Maintained blood glucose levels;
- Optimized body composition;
- Sustained energy levels;
- Balanced electrolytes;
- Eliminated GI distress:
- Enhanced gastric motility;
- Swift recovery;
- High value for investment
Fat Adaptation
Nutrient partitioning describes whether the energy derived from the food one consumes is utilized as fuel for the brain and muscles or stored as fat. Each macronutrient and micronutrient is partitioned to either muscle or fat cells.
Insulin plays a major role in nutrient partitioning and the level of insulin sensitivity determines how the complex shuttle system functions. Insulin sensitivity has the potential to improve energy expenditure where insulin resistance turns your body into a fat storage facility.
The issue is when the body shifts its primary fuel source from fat to carbohydrate. This shift represents an ineffective route to optimal health and snowshoeing performance.
The desired outcome is to preserve glycogen until it is needed at maximum intensity – ascents, finish line bursts, and so forth. Mitigating insulin spikes is paramount to this process and is attainable only via metabolic efficiency.
Even the most ripped snowshoer possesses more than enough internal fat [30,000 – 50,000 calories] to fuel the body for several hours.
Fat adaptation is the key:
● Increased whole body fat oxidation, even in highly trained individuals;
● Skeletal muscle appears to be the tissue primarily responsible for increased fat oxidation during exercise after a short-term, high-fat diet resultant from altered substrate storage;
● Increased fat oxidation is due to elevated intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) concentration
Blood sugar control is paramount to optimize your health, snowshoeing, trail running, and other endurance pursuits.
In your quest to attain optimal health and peak performance why would you choose inefficient fuel that rapidly elevates blood sugar and insulin?
The essence of preventive health care, endurance sport performance, and self-actualization emanates from the inside out.
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