Due to runner demand for a shorter distance offering at the Wild Duluth Ultra Trail Races of 50 km and 100 km, Andy and Kim Holak are adding a new, last minute race, the “Harder ‘n He!l” half-marathon. They published remarks, “We’re only a month away from the event, but we’re hoping to keep numbers for the half fairly small this year so we can be sure it works out logistically and doesn’t have a negative effect” on the ultras running concurrently.
It is likely the front runners of the 50 km will overtake some portion of the half field, and the 100 km endurants will pass them heading ‘out’ while they’re heading in.
“The half-marathon distance works out nicely with a nearly perfect 13.1 mile distance from the upper Spirit Mountain trailhead parking lot to Bayfront Park, the finish line. The route follows the Superior Hiking Trail the entire way and includes many of the most spectacular views from the 50 km and 100 km routes. It will be a very challenging run.”
In their second year, the Wild Duluth trail ultras have more entrants already than at raceday in 2009. Both of their current races are in Upper Midwest Trail Running series: The 50 km in the Fab 5 Fifties and the 100 km part of the Gnarly Bandit.
Okay, trail speed jockeys: who is going to set the first year’s bench-mark time?
For more information, go to:
UMTR: www.uppermidwesttrailrunners.com
Ultra Superior
photos courtesy of Wild Duluth Ultra Races