In many locations throughout the northern hemisphere, late April into May signifies the end of winter. Typically, it’s time to hang up our snowshoes for the season or continue sandshoeing. Before simply putting your snowshoeing in storage, consider a few other preservation techniques that will promote the life of your snowshoes. Most modern snowshoes only require simple maintenance (cleaning, repair, storage), whereas a pair of traditional wooden snowshoes will require much more.
My 20+-year-old aluminum-frame Tubbs recreational snowshoes (like the Tubbs Xplore, for example) are pretty beat up from snowshoeing over and around boulders on rocky terrain. But they are still in okay shape because I take good care of them. Likewise, my 10+-year-old Northern Lites Backcountry aluminum-frame shoes are in magnificent condition because of simple maintenance practices.
My traditional snowshoes, however, do need to be treated occasionally to keep them preserved. Nevertheless, most quality snowshoes should last a long time if cared for properly.
So, read below for some tips to help protect your snowshoes no matter what style you use, modern or traditional.
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Modern Snowshoe Care
First, let’s start with the snowshoe care you’ll need for modern snowshoes before storing them. Modern snowshoes can be made of aluminum, plastic, foam, or other composites.
Cleaning Your Snowshoes
Before storing my snowshoes for the season, I clean them. I have three pairs to clean: the Tubbs and Northern Lites ‘shoes mentioned above and the now-retired plastic MSR Denali snowshoe (the MSR Evo is an updated snowshoe to the Denali).
I put mild dish soap in some water to clean all three styles of modern snowshoes that I own. Then, I wipe off the deck, frame, bindings, and cleats with a rung-out, slightly soapy dishcloth. After using the slightly soapy dishcloth, I wipe each snowshoe down with a damp cloth and then dry them with a clean rag. It is crucial to get dirt and grime off the snowshoes, but even more so, to get off any salt, grease, or chemical residues that could damage the plastic or aluminum.
Read More: Anatomy of A Snowshoe
Preserving and Refinishing Your Snowshoes
Luckily, when it comes to preserving or refinishing modern snowshoes before storing them, there is usually nothing that needs to be done to the plastic or aluminum-frame shoes.
Repairing Your Snowshoes
Repairs that you may encounter would depend on the type of snowshoe you own. So far, I have not made significant repairs to my snowshoes. But, I attribute this to owning good quality snowshoes and caring for them.
If you have an aluminum frame snowshoe, you may have problems with the rivets that attach the decking to the frame. If this is the case, use wire to reattach the missing links. Or consider contacting the manufacturer and asking what repairs they would do and at what cost. If you have a warranty on the shoes, take advantage of having them repaired under warranty.
Other repair problems with modern snowshoes may involve the bindings or the pivot system (the device that allows the binding to swivel on the snowshoe). These repairs may be challenging to undertake, considering the advances of modern technology applied to contemporary bindings and pivots. If you are mechanically inclined and creative, you may be able to solve the repair problem. And again, you could consider checking with the manufacturer about your repair needs, as I would do since I am not mechanically inclined.
Read More: Create Your Own Homemade Snowshoe Repair Kit
Snowshoe Storage
Finally, the last step: snowshoe storage. I store my snowshoes in my basement, where it is dry and relatively cool during the off-season. I hang them from wooden beams where I can visually see them during the summer….to remind me that they are not too far off, and I will be taking them down again to go snowshoeing.
Modern aluminum and plastic snowshoes would be safe in most places as long as they are not exposed to moisture. The metal parts like the cleats, the hinges in pivots, and the rivets attaching the decking to the frame can rust if stored in wet conditions.
Len McDougall, the author of The Snowshoe Handbook, writes that he puts a coat of cooking oil over the metal parts, as the oil will produce a gummy waterproof skin that protects against corrosion and can be left on through to the next season’s use.
Also, you’ll want to store your modern snowshoes out of sunlight. The decking of many aluminum-frame shoes is made of neoprene or the commonly used Hypalon material, which the sun’s ultraviolet rays can eventually damage. Over time, it can result in cracking.
Read More: Storing Snowshoes for the Off-Season

Make sure to clean your snowshoes after every outing and at the end of the season. Photo: Susan Wowk
Traditional Snowshoe Care
Compared to modern snowshoes, traditional ‘shoes require a few extra steps for maintenance before you place them in snowshoe storage.
Cleaning Your Snowshoes
With my traditional snowshoes, I clean them regularly. My Country Ways Ojibwa snowshoes have a wood frame, neoprene webbed decking, and my Green Mountain snowshoes have rawhide decking. At the end of each season, the decking for both pairs of ‘shoes is often dirty, and I have found some signs of corrosion, beginning in spots on the leather. So, I clean both pairs with the washcloth, wipe them down, and let them air dry.
Read More: Traditional Wooden Snowshoes: Shapes, Signs, & Names
Preserving Your Snowshoes
After you clean them, the next step is preserving your snowshoes, which is only required for wooden snowshoes.
Especially snowshoes with rawhide webbing require preservation since leather can easily dry out, rot, and crack. Since traditional’ shoes vary in construction, it’s always wise to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations. They will give specific advice relative to their product.
However, here is the method I use to treat my traditional snowshoes. At the end of each season, after cleaning, I will dampen a dry cloth with Formby’s Lemon Oil Treatment (Howard Feed-N-Wax can be a substitute). This ointment is primarily used for furniture, but the container states, “use regularly on all wood surfaces to help protect the wood from drying and cracking.”
I treat only the wood frame and crossbars with the solution. This application provides luster to the wood and seems to help maintain its strength. Again, I try to keep the oil on the wood and off the leather or neoprene lacing.
Preserving Rawhide & Neoprene Webbing
I use a leather waterproofing product (such as Nikwax) to treat rawhide webbing. It can be the same product you use on leather hiking boots. I apply the leather waterproofing product with a rag to the rawhide.
However, I do not coat neoprene or another synthetic webbing since it would not be suitable for the fabric. In addition, the ends of the synthetic webbing may become frayed if you use the leather waterproofing product. So instead, a solution to preserving the neoprene-type ends is to run a match flame or lighter past it, just long enough for it to crust over…such as you would do to the end of a freshly cut rope.
The above treatment of wood, leather, and synthetic webbing is my own approach and not one I found in the snowshoeing literature. So far (knock-on-wood), it has proven beneficial to both the frame and decking on my traditional snowshoes.
If your bindings are the “A” or “H” type made of leather, you should also consider treating the bindings with leather preservatives. I replaced the leather bindings on both pairs of my traditional snowshoes with a neoprene binding. So far, I have had no maintenance problems with them other than some loose strings coming off now and then. I trim those with scissors as needed.
My son-in-law inherited a pair of old Snowcraft Bearpaw snowshoes from his grandfather, a product that Maine’s Garland Manufacturing bought out in 1950. So his snowshoes are most likely over 50 years old. He uses them for hiking and hunting. Outside of a broken binding strap needing repair, the wood frame and leather have held up well over all those years. My son-in-law takes good care of his shoes by treating both the wood and rawhide regularly.
Read More: Snowshoe Makers & Manufacturers That Were
Refinishing Your Snowshoes
You may only need to refinish in some instances, depending on the condition and age of your ‘shoes.
The finish on a wood snowshoe frame can sometimes begin to wear off or peel with traditional snowshoes. In this case, you may want to refinish your snowshoes. Consider using a quality oil-based exterior varnish or a marine varnish for treatment, as they are good protectors from moisture. Polyurethane or shellac coatings are also agents to consider. Furthermore, tung oil can be an option as well. But be sure to use products with UV inhibitors to guard against sunlight.
Be sure to remove the bindings before taking on this monumental refinishing task. Then, do a little sanding on the peeled segments of the wood. Finally, completely coat the wood frame and rawhide webbing with a paintbrush or cloth. Sometimes, two or three coats may be better than one, giving ample drying time between coats. But be sure not to coat neoprene webbing.
Remember as well that when applying any oil-based treatment, always wear rubber gloves that are chemical resistant. And when refinishing, do it in a well-ventilated area with temperatures between 65 and 85 F (18-29 C). In late April, temperatures in my garage and on the back deck often fall in the lower end of that range.
If you don’t want to refinish yourself, another option is to send your traditional snowshoes to the manufacturer and pay to have them do a professional renovation. If the company no longer exists, try contacting any company that makes traditional snowshoes and ask them what it would cost to refinish your existing shoes. Or, have a local furniture refinisher do the task of refinishing your snowshoes. Either way, it may be a little pricey, but well worth it to keep a quality pair of traditional snowshoes for many years to come.
Read More: How To Care For Wood Frame Snowshoes

Care for your ‘shoes, whether traditional or modern, to help keep them in good shape for next season. Photo: Unsplash / Aaron Huber
Repairing Your Snowshoes
When it comes to repairing traditional snowshoes, I did have to fix a short strip of leather on one of my modified bear paws due to not treating the ‘shoes for the first five years that I owned them. Unfortunately, I was unaware of proper snowshoe care techniques at that time. But now, they are nearly 20 years old and doing just fine.
However, when the case does arise to repair, traditional snowshoes can be a challenge. But it is more practical than repairing aluminum snowshoes because you use woodworking or weaving skills rather than mechanical engineering skills. For example, you can attach and re-lace leather and re-tie nylon or neoprene ends.
If you break a wood frame or wooden crossbars, it isn’t easy to repair them and maintain the same strength as before. Broken wood frames can be fixed in the field with two splints and nylon cord, cloth tape, or Red Green’s “handyman’s secret weapon” – duct tape. Back in the shop, you would need to repair the damage with glue and sunken bolts. Or, again, send them to the manufacturer for repair. Another solution for broken wood frame snowshoes would be to mend the wood with glue only and permanently hang them over the fireplace as decor to add ambiance to your family room.
Read More: How To Repair Traditional Wooden Snowshoes
Snowshoe Storage
The primary key for the snowshoe storage of traditional models is keeping them dry. Wood-framed traditional snowshoes must be in a moisture-free place to prevent mold and mildew from developing.
Second, traditional shoes need to be in rodent-free areas. Mice would love to eat the leather on my modified bear paws, and raccoons would love to chew the wood on both pairs of my traditional’ shoes. If left in the garage, mice would make my shoes a meal. Luckily, raccoons haven’t been in my garage to date, though. So, ensure you’re storing your snowshoes in areas not accessible by rodents. Hanging your snowshoes on pegs in the garage could be an alternative solution.
Finally, keep snowshoes out of direct sunlight. The rays can fade and dry out the wood, resulting in cracking, warping, and bleaching of the leather.
Read More: Storing Snowshoes for the Off-Season

Hanging your snowshoes is a great way to keep them away from critters during the off-season. Photo: Jim Joque
Hang Up Your’ Shoes, But Not Your Feet
In the northern hemisphere, April or May may be the months to hang up your snowshoes for the season unless you’re sandshoeing. But it is not a time to hang up your feet. Just as the snowshoe racing athlete cross-trains in the summer by jogging and trail running, so should the snowshoe hiking enthusiast remain active by hiking, backpacking, paddling, biking, or participating in other outdoor sports.
Snowshoers need to keep in shape during the non-snow seasons. So, when hanging up your snowshoes for this season, a health-conscious policy is to dig out your warm-weather outdoor adventure gear from storage. Putting that gear to use will help prepare you for future snowshoeing challenges. So, when you are ready for snowshoeing next winter, you will put on well-preserved snowshoes and take them to the trails with a well-preserved body.
What recommendations do you have for preserving your snowshoe before placing them in storage? Let us know in the comments below!
This article was originally published on April 16, 2011, and was most recently updated on May 16, 2023.
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