You have to be a rather confident marketer to use the slogan “every other glove is obsolete.”
Nonetheless, that’s what BearTek promises with its gloves and it makes a good case, especially if you like to have your tunes running outdoors. That’s not normally my thing, but I know it is for a lot of people.
The gloves offer the warmth of typical ski/snowmobile handwear with the cunning addition of being able to control electronic devices wirelessly with the touch of a finger, which includes smartphones and Go-Pro cameras.
Hmmm, warm gloves with technology… does any else remember the episode of the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon says “everything is better with Bluetooth”?
The gloves also feature waterproof and windproof AquaTex inserts, and an 80-hour battery life. What’s not to like?
This just might be the “evolution of the glove” indeed.
For more information on the BearTek gloves, visit
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