Located between Chicago and Minneapolis, Southwest Wisconsin is a perfect place to shake the winter...
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Mount Pinos: Peace Among The Pines In Los Padres National Forest, CA
Mount Pinos is the winter gem of the Los Padres National Forest. Standing well above the...
Stratton, Vermont: A Top Snowshoe Destination
One of the many things I love about Stratton () is the variety of activities at the base and up on...
Snowshoe, West Virginia: Namesake Snowshoeing
I somehow found it quite appropriate that I tried snowshoeing for the first time at a place called...
The Catamount Trail, Vermont: A Destination Snowshoers Can be Proud of
A snowshoe enthusiast's work never ends. It'll be months before anybody can tromp through the...
Alaska by Snowshoe
I moved to Colorado from Washington, D.C., five years ago to play in the mountains. My first order...