Traveling east along the Trans Canada Highway from Winnipeg, Manitoba's capital, the wide-open...
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Snowshoeing the Enchanted Forest: A Family Affair in Northern New Mexico
My wife Liz and I were looking for a location for a quick, early season snowshoeing trip in early...
Snowshoeing Close to Home: Day-Tripping in and Around Winnipeg
Despite the best-laid plans, life sometimes has a way of throwing a monkey wrench into things...
Snowshoeing and Wildlife Watching in Big Bear Valley
Big Bear, Cali., only two hours from Los Angeles, is a playground for winter-loving southern...
Snowshoeing in the Snowmobile Capital of Grand Lake, CO
The village of Grand Lake, Colo., sits at the western entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park. At...
A Slice of the Good Life at The Mountain Top Inn
Early winter in Vermont was warm, wet and windy, more Seattle than snowshoe. Searching for decent...
Destinations: Missoula Snow
On a cold, quite December morning, Anna and I set out through fresh snow. Although we have driven...
Snowshoeing in Russia: New Abilities for the Sport and Traveling
It is well-known that Russia is a country of a snow and ice. About 70 percent of our territory is...
One World Outing Club: Winter Adventures in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond
Lance Young is a walking trail encyclopedia. "Where would you send beginning snowshoers?" I asked...
Stratton, Vermont: A Top Snowshoe Destination
One of the many things I love about Stratton () is the variety of activities at the base and up on...