Sherpa, Snocraft, and other and other snowshoe makers from the recent and not so recent past.
Traditional Snowshoes
How To Care For Wood-Frame Snowshoes
How to prep your wood frame and babiche snowshoes before the season begins, and how to put them to...
Snowshoes and the Canadian First Nations
Snowshoes and the Canadian First Nations are indelibly linked. From their earliest form, snowshoes...
Connecting to Lineage: Crossing Paths on My Ojibwa Snowshoes
My great, great-grandmother on my father’s side of the family was Angelique Beaudoin (pronounced bo...
Modern and Traditional Snowshoe Care and Storage
Little to no snow in April is indeed an April fool's joke to me since there is no more snowshoeing...
Traditional Snowshoe Bindings 101
I was at a friend's cottage a few weeks ago. I had the run of the place, alone for a couple of days...
Traditional Snowshoe Care and Maintenance
I've had the same pair of snowshoes since I was 16. I'm now 34. My wooden framed Huron style...
Build Your Own Snowshoes: Gil Gilpatrick Teaches You How
Gil Gilpatrick is a man who knows his way around a snowshoe. He taught himself how to build...