Paddleboarding is not really the activity you think about if you’re a snowshoer. The fact of...
Physical Activity
Yoga in the Snow
Just as the snowshoe season was getting underway, an old back problem flared up. A trip to the...
10 Lessons Learned from 10,000 Hours of Physical Exertion in 10 Years
Over ten years ago, I joined the President’s Challenge. At the time, the President’s...
Nordic Walking for Warm Weather Training: A Book Review
More than 15 million people of all ages and fitness levels participate in Nordic walking, a sport...
The Mountains are Calling: 10 Tips To Transition to Trail Running
When trudging along your regular running route no longer inspires you to lace up, it might be time...
8 Bad Habits of Good Athletes
As an athlete and the one up logging miles at the crack of dawn and doggedly trekking through...
The Snowshoer’s Guide to Staying Fit in Summer: 4 Outdoor Exercises
It is seemingly evident that snowshoe enthusiasts share a love of the great outdoors. ...
Burn Calories Snowshoeing This Winter
The most popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight. The biggest increase in gym...
Optimal Snowshoeing Recovery: Four Basic Components
Snowshoeing is often as strenuous as it is rewarding. Our sport is an integral part of advanced...
Ask the Coach: Tips for Running Downhill
Question:I just completed my first organized trail run and have a question about running downhill...
Nordic Walking Provides Surprising Benefits for Athletes
Nordic walking offers widespread benefits for people of all ages and abilities, but fitness buffs...
Snowshoe Training Without Snow
As fall approaches there are numerous things you can do to physically prepare yourself for the...