In financial markets, when deciding if current market indicators reflect the bottom or that a lower...
Gear Reviews
10 Reasons To Use Poles While Snowshoeing
One of the most appealing aspects of snowshoeing is its simplicity: it requires relatively minimal...
Outdoor Retailer Snow Show 2023 Trends
This winter, the 2023 Outdoor Retailer Snow Show returned to Salt Lake City, Utah, for the largest...
The Systems That Bind: An Overview of Snowshoe Bindings
The earliest snowshoes were most likely made from panels of stiffened animal hides or slats of wood...
Komperdell Gear Guide: Snowshoes, Accessories and Poles
Komperdell has been making snowshoes, poles, protectors, and related products since 1922. They...
Gear Review: Columbia’s Whirlibird Interchange Jacket for Women
Several years ago, I was contacted by Columbia Sportswear to see if I’d like to try their...
Snowshoe Sizing and Options for Big People and Heavy Loads
Carrying some weight on your belly or your back and headed out into the powder? Then go big with...
Keep Your Hands, Feet, and Head Warm for Snowshoeing
A magic hat is what turned Frosty into a real walking and talking snowman. As written by Steve...
6 Boots for Snowshoeing
The boot you choose for snowshoeing is almost as important as the snowshoe itself. The three...
Snowshoeing Footwear: Tips for Choosing Your Boot
It can be initially confusing to select a shoe to wear snowshoeing, since you can't go down to the...
Tips for Camping First Aid: What To Bring and Do
Murphy’s Law is the real deal, whether you like it or not. If something can go wrong, it will go...
8 Poles To Use for Snowshoeing
Poles can be an incredibly helpful accessory for snowshoeing and have several benefits. They can...