A freakish multiday rain deluge in southern Minnesota left towns and farms devastated with ten...
Snowshoe Racing
Wilderness Athlete and the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s Golden Gallop
I'm not much of a runner (more of a snowshoer, I guess). I choose running as my prime workout...
How to be Half-Wild at Wild Duluth’s Ultra Trail Races
Due to runner demand for a shorter distance offering at the Wild Duluth Ultra Trail Races of...
2010/2011 Dion Snowshoes United States National Snowshoe Championship Series: Calendar of Regional Qualifying Events
The United States Snowshoe Association (USSSA) has released its 2010/2011 calendar of regional...
Making Dark Blacker: Storm Slams Superior Sawtooth 100 Mile
As if humping up and down these mountains with black new-moon light wasn't challenging...
Going Birke! Dion Snowshoes 2011 USSSA Championships Set for Cable, Wisconsin
The best snowshoe competitors in North America are invading Birkebeiner territory March 11-13 to...
Ask the Coach: Pre-Season Snowshoe Runner Training
Question:I am now an avid snowshoe runner first and a trail runner second. I hate to see the snow...
Glitzy Life Time Fitness Pockets Leadville: Paradigm Shift Underway
Glitzy Life Time Fitness Pockets Leadville: Paradigm Shift Underway. For better or for worse, the...
Ten Unwritten Rules of Snowshoe (and Trail) Racing
Here are Ten Unwritten Rules of Snowshoe (and Trail) Racing. Rules that may be helpful in...
How To Win Medals at 2011 USSSA National Championships
After the Syracuse National Championships, what was the number one factor front runners referenced...
2010’s Tenth Men’s USSSA Championships: A 10!
The 2010 USSSA PowerSox National Championships knocked the socks off the country's best snowshoers...
2010’s Tenth Women’s USSSA Championships: A 10!
Will there ever be a more thrilling Senior Women's race and finish than that between Amber Cullen...