Book Review: Snowshoe Routes – Colorado’s Front Range

Those in the market for a beginning snowshoer’s companion book have a particular set of criteria in mind. It needs to have ample “how to” information, offering tips on safety, purchasing snowshoes, equipment and technique.

It needs to include pragmatic “where to” advice with maps, description, and accurate driving directions to trails and sites. Ideally, it should also have an accommodating writing style and format for convenience and readability.

“Snowshoe Routes: Colorado’s Front Range” by Alan Apt qualifies for anyone looking to start out and/or explore the terrain of Colorado accessible to it’s most populated geography.

Loaded with great photographs of mountain scenery, snowshoers enjoying themselves (or taking an occasional header into a snowdrift) the book instantly appeals to anyone itching to get into the mountains and explore.

The introduction starts with some interesting facts about the history of snowshoeing before offering valuable information on getting started. Right away, the author’s writing voice sounds more like an enthusiastic friend joining you on the hike rather than an authoritative collection of lists.

Examples in regards to the design and function of snowshoes are plentiful, and recommendations on shoe sizes for weight and snow conditions are insightful. The safety information on everything from avalanche hazard ratings to giardia are subjects anyone would do well to review, let alone beginners.

The bulk of “Snowshoe Routes: Colorado’s Front Range” is dedicated to the destinations around the Centennial State, and it is here where the expertise of Apt and his fellow field researchers really shines.

Broken down into five regions with more detailed locales beneath, the book is sure to get some mileage during your expeditions. Loop distance, elevation, descriptive accounts of the terrain and serviceable maps come in handy as well. Compact yet encompassing in its’ Colorado scope, “Snowshoe Routes: Colorado’s Front Range” is an essential item for any backpack.


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Marcus Wilkins

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