There are so many places to buy outdoor gear, online and off, and so many varieties. Prices are all...
Author - Pam Mandel
White Salmon Weekend In Washington
Hood River is a place you might have heard of if you've traveled in Oregon. It's famous for...
Dachstein Xtreme – Austria’s Next Generation Snowshoe Race
This is dedication. Becky Harman and Aaron Robertson have flown halfway across the world to run 6.8...
Snowshoeing’s European Roots: La Ciaspolada 2006
It's about nine in the morning. We're standing in front of the Stella di Alpi, a friendly little...
Snowshoeing in an Austrian Winter Wonderland
A Dream Come True Close your eyes and imagine Austria in winter. Picture the flawless snowy meadows...
Gear Review: Why I’m Wearing Wool This Winter
I bought a big wooly sweater at an outdoor market on the Portuguese coast; it must be 15 years ago...
Pam’s Sense of Snow – The 2005 Edition
The coast has always been my home. I've never lived far from water and as such, spent most of my...
American Made: Does It Matter? Part II
We received some e-mails about the article featuring American snowshoes. And, we received a few...
American Made: Does it Matter?
While I'm sitting here typing this article, three containers of Tubbs' snowshoe manufacturing gear...
Ciaspolada Means ‘Snowshoe’ in Italian
FONDO, Italy: Fondo is a little village towards the top of the Valle di Non in Trentino, a northern...
Pam’s Sense of Snow
All righty boys and girls! The snow has fallen, you're busting with enthusiasm, and it's time to...
One World Outing Club: Winter Adventures in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond
Lance Young is a walking trail encyclopedia. "Where would you send beginning snowshoers?" I asked...