Snowshoeing is the fastest growing winter recreational activity in North America, and with good...
Author - Derrick Spafford
Dion Eastern Ontario Snowshoe Running Series
The inaugural season of the Dion Eastern Ontario Snowshoe Running Series was a tremendous success...
Ask the Coach: Snowshoe Running and Conditioning
Question:I'd like to try snowshoe races this winter, but my coach told me it would make me a slower...
Hydro Flask Bottle Warms the Snowshoer’s Heart
I usually don't tend to get too excited about water bottles. Sure, I have some great water bottles...
Gear Review: Zanagen Topical Performance and Recovery Creams
I first heard about a mysterious blue cream from the blogs of some of Canada's top runners who were...
Ask the Coach: Pre-Season Snowshoe Runner Training
Question:I am now an avid snowshoe runner first and a trail runner second. I hate to see the snow...
Gear Review: Tanda Professional Restore
Light therapy and low intensity laser therapy is not new, having been tested and used for quite...
Ask the Coach: Tips for Running Downhill
Question:I just completed my first organized trail run and have a question about running downhill...
Ask the Coach: How to Stay Well Hydrated While Running
Question:I am wondering how to stay well hydrated for longer trail runs during the summer...
Ask the Coach: Trail Running Season is Here
It's May and time to start thinking about snowshoe season! Okay, so most of us may be lacking a...
Sydenham Hosts Dion Frontenac Snowshoe Race
The Dion Frontenac Snowshoe Race was held on January 23, 2010 in Sydenham, Ontario, Canada.Living...
Gear Review: GU Energy Gels
Nothing is worse when out on the trails for a long snowshoe hike or run than bonking. Bonking comes...