A Feast of New Content

Most people throughout the country have to get creative this time of year, and I’m not talking variations on the traditional Turkey Day side dishes. I’m talking about burning off those heaping helpings of stuffing that go straight to the butt and gut. Indoor activities can be tedious and mundane if you confine yourself, and while a lot of folks use the hibernation season as an excuse to avoid outdoor activities, we snowshoers are truly in our element.

For us, this is the month when snowshoe season really kicks into high gear, so we think it’s an appropriate time to launch the new site. In the November issue the focus turns from preparing for the action, to actually getting out there and frolicking in the powder.

Pam Mandel gives us an “ode to wool” and outlines the variety of layers and styles one can rely on for sturdy snowshoeing apparel made out of the “sheepy stuff” – as she puts it. There’s a fresh and funny music review from regular mountain audiophile Eric Greene, and an informative, tidbit filled almanac from Matt Sutkoski.

The newest contributor to Snowshoe Magazine is our gal from Australia, Julie Ihle, who paints a unique and inviting picture of the snowy Aussie wilderness (especially for those of us who have never had a chance to visit it). A particular favorite of mine is humorist Mike Decker’s “Choose Your Own Adventure” story, which is sure to make you chuckle.

So enjoy the new Web site! Click around and check things out. Feel free to drop a line and let us know what you like and dislike, or any brainstorms you might have (or just let us know how cool everything looks). And remember, that big Thanksgiving feast will taste even better if you wear yourself out snowshoeing on the 23rd.


About the author

Marcus Wilkins

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