Any list of the most irritating things in life has to include trying to wash out your favorite water bottle when it starts to get stinky – and they all do, sooner or later.
My favorite trick has been to add a drop or two of dish-soap directly to the interior of the bottle and then fill it about half-full and shake. It’s a technique that works very well on cleaning them but less well when it comes to rinsing them. It can be – ahem – a bugger to get the soap residue out. And then there’s still the tops to contend with, and depending on the design, that’s a beast of a different stripe to complete your exasperation.
“As handy as these containers are for storing and dispensing liquids, they’re also a perfect environment for germs,” Clean Ethics stated on its website. “The atmosphere inside these vessels is an ideal home for mold and bacteria that flourish in dark, moist environments. Contamination becomes apparent through stains, odors, and sometimes even health effects.”
That’s where a product like Bottle Bright effervescent tablets can be a godsend.
The tablets, so sayeth the manufacturer, provide the best solution for cleaning your drinking vessels and beverage containers.
“Whether it’s a water bottle, travel mug, hydration reservoir, or thermos, we offer the safest and most effective method to care for your hard-to-clean drinking containers,” the website states. “Our biodegradable and non-toxic formula bubbles away grime and breaks down to inert natural substances.”
The company goes on to say that “we aim to maximize cleaning effectiveness with the intelligent combination of mineral and organic compounds. By utilizing the process of activated oxygen and our unique organic surfactants we are able to effectively clean hard to access containers. The effervescent action and mild organic detergents remove soils and leave no residual taste or odor.”
Bye-bye, soapy after taste! Nice knowing you.
Better yet, with every purchase you make, Clean Ethics gives an equal amount of Bottle Bright to people in developing nations who are in vital need of clean water containers.
So what’s not to like?
For more information on Bottle Bright, visit
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