Book Review: Backcountry Skiing and Snowshoeing in Grand County, Colorado

What makes “Backcountry Skiing and Snowshoeing in Grand County, Colorado” so essential to snowshoers looking to venture through some of America’s greatest snow-covered landscapes is its approach to detail and accuracy. A guide for snowshoers can’t get any better…and it’s all about Grand County’s splendor.

After using this guide to explore parts of Rocky Mountain National Park, I have a newfound respect for my GPS device. Deborah Carr and Lou Ladrigan (the guide’s authors) published coordinates for each trailhead and other useful waypoints that helped with my exploration.

Although GPS coordinates have been used primarily for summer hikes and geocaching (a popular GPS sport), snowshoeing with a GPS device is a concept not widely adopted. Using my GPS device while snowshoeing provided me with a new appreciation for navigation and backcountry touring. This book has influenced me to continue using my GPS device for all my snowshoeing hikes – especially when snowshoeing alone (not recommended).

The guide also provides readers with maps, elevation profiles, distances, elevation gains of each trail tour, narratives on each trail, explanations of trail points of interest, hike level of difficulty, touring safety and awareness information, and many other features that are helpful to snowshoers.

Carr and Ladrigan also provide full-color photographs that depict the beauty of Grand County, topographical maps, and elevation profiles. These add flavor and provide a resource to readers when out on the trail.

If you are a snowshoer and plan to visit the Grand County area, this guide should be your Bible for backcountry touring and exploring. Grand County is known for its exceptional downhill skiing and winter tourist escapes, but the Carr and Ladrigan guide helps add more adventure to the experience.

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Backcountry Skiing and Snowshoeing in Grand County, Colorado covers the following areas: Winter Park, James Peak Area, Fraser Valley, Indian Peaks, Rocky Mountain National Park, Troublesome Area, Williams Fork Mountains, and Beyond.


About the author

Ryan Alford

Ryan Alford is the founder of Snowshoe Magazine and River Sports Magazine. He now spends his days in Texas working for Lockheed Martin but dreaming of being back in the mountains of his home state of Colorado.

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