Two somewhat mud-ladened laps completed a 10 km Pennsylvania State Championship as a dearth of snowfall–thus far– has hampered races and race directors. Yet, the show without snow goes on, and racers have fun regardless. This annual event–do you remember when it started?–provides mid-eastern Pennsylvania with one of the fastest courses whether snow or dirt.
Jeremy Dormer won the Pennsylvania State Championship in 41:59, followed by Gerald Blasko for the silver in 45:10. Tyler Angeli took the bronze in 45:44.
Ann Sick won the women’s Pennsylvania State Championship in 47:52 as Sherry Robinson took silver and Tak MacArthur captured Bronze.
In the 5 km event, Jacob Fetterman (16) zipped through the course in 19:13 while Rock Warnagiris came in 23:35. Kent Jackson followed in 25:11.
Frank Gaval completed the event in under thirty as did the overall women’s winner Stacy Mears. Lee Baskin and Mary Lynn McBride completed the women’s field.
The course is double-track in and around the rollings hills of the Nescopeck State Park, a 3500 acre preserve of wetlands, rich forests and mountains to climb . . . perfect for foot races whether on shoes or snowshoes. Snowshoers are welcome in this park!
The race awards graciously to 16 age groups of women and men, top three, along with overall men, women plus masters. The generosity of the event extends to the Hazelton American Red Cross in the area, the recipient of the proceeds.
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