With cold weather fast approaching, it’s time to spread the word about winter safety and backcountry precautions. This Saturday, Oct. 24 at 8:30 a.m., the Northwest Snow and Avalanche Summit (NSAS) is bringing together avalanche experts, safety professionals and snow enthusiasts for an educational seminar at the REI Flagship store in downtown Seattle. Experts in weather, backcountry terrain and avalanche safety will be providing valuable tips for a safer winter season.
ColdAvenger, an innovation in advanced cold-weather gear, will be on hand to introduce the ColdAvenger mask. Developed by a physician and skier, the ColdAvenger prevents cold-weather injury on the respiratory system and provides protection from extreme conditions with a simple ventilation system designed for both comfort and functionality. Other companies and organizations will be present for the event as well, including Outdoor Research and Black Diamond.
NSAS is a professional development seminar for avalanche workers, and a continuing education opportunity for recreationalists. NSAS is intended for ski patrollers, forecasters, ski guides, search and rescue teams, as well as any number of other occupations that occur on and around snow. The content of NSAS is relevant to professionals and recreationalists alike.
For more information on this event, visit http://www.alpinesafety.org/nsas09.php. To view the promotional poster of this event, click here.