When snowshoeing, having a good pair of sunglasses available is necessary. The snow can be blinding on a sunny day. In fact, a backup pair of sunglasses should be in any snowshoer’s gear arsenal. But don’t be deceived! The idea of sunglasses should not conjure up thoughts of Oakley and over-priced Sunglass Huts. HaberVision and its Cima model sunglasses combine polarized technology and style. And I admit, I’m in love with my Cimas.
I’ve owned a pair of Oakley Monster Dog sunglasses for years. Although not polarized (they are polished…whatever that means) the Monster Dog sunglasses fit my giant gourd nicely. Yes, my head is big…and not because of my ego. Large noggins are an Alford family trait. Typically, hats look ridiculous on me and sunglasses quickly become clownish on my head. But, Haber’s Cima sunglasses actually fit my massive, carnival-size skull.
Don’t large brains require large skulls? If that’s the case, I feel pretty smart wearing my Cimas. They’re stylish, well manufactured and provide top-notch lenses that are anti-reflective and have a hydro-repellant coating. The Cima lenses are wider than my Monster Dogs and aren’t as bulgy, which to me is a distraction for most Oakley specs.
Plus, the larger frames provide durability, which is important when snowshoeing. The larger frames – compared to Oakleys and a lot of other brands – offer a comfortable, stable fit. When running, the Cimas don’t slip off or bounce. They’re pretty solid.
I think it’s important to mention Haber’s background and humble beginnings. Steve Haber is the man behind the brand. He’s also the same guy who founded and built public company Bolle America (another top-notch sunglasses brand). Haber positioned the new company to offer top-quality sunglasses and goggles at prices that consumers would love, only found on the Internet.
Haber also provides a guaranteed fit. Big head, small head, square head…HaberVision’s specs will fit it. If you select a model that doesn’t fit, you can exchange it until you find a model that does. The company will credit 100% of your original order value when exchanging merchandise within 10 days of purchase.
Of course, if you check products at your local sunglasses outlets, you’ll notice that prices are highly inflated. Haber offers “affinity members” a large percentage off the retail price. For example, the suggested retail price of the Cima sunglasses is $175. As a HaberVision affinity member, the price is $87.50 – that’s 50% off.
How do you become an affinity member? Easy. All Snowshoe Magazine readers are automatically affinity members. When visiting HaberVision.com, enter affinity member code “snowshoemag” to receive 50% all HaberVision sunglasses, goggles and other products.
Click here to visit HaberVision’s Web site. Stay tuned to Snowshoemag.com for more HaberVision gear reviews. Next, we plan to review the Prima and Riva goggles.