The Multi-Tool: Never Go Snowshoeing With Out It

What is a multi-tool? A lifesaver.

It was about 20 degrees, I was exploring the Rocky Mountain National Park and I was trudging through about three feet of fresh snow. The day was slipping away as Longs Peak hovered above me and the sun was setting behind the majestic mountain-scarred horizon. It was getting colder by the moment.

But, crazy ol’ me…I was still having fun shoeing around as twilight made an appearance in the Park. Dipping into a meadow off the ridge I was traversing, I decided it would be advantageous to sprint down the hill and enjoy the unscathed snow.

While running, I managed to catch the front of my right snowshoe under a tree branch. As physics would have it, I was flipped awkwardly into the snow as my shoe came dislodged from the branch and my other shoe smacked a rock.

After emerging from the snow and the chilly invigoration I experienced, I noticed my snowshoes had been seriously damaged. My heart sank considering I had a few more miles to hike and most of the terrain ahead was covered in powder.

I thought about the situation for a moment, realized how ironic it was and reached for my cell phone to call my wife. Before I requested a search party, I was searching through my backpack and I came across my multi-tool.

This off-brand, Wal-Mart bought tool was about to help me get out of a pretty good pickle. Most multi-tools are equipped with a pair of pliers, a knife, a mini-saw, a can-opener, a ruler, a file and much more. Somewhat like a pocketknife, the multi-tool is a great item for snowshoers to carry at all times.

The most important part of the multi-tool is the pliers. I used the pliers to realign my bent snowshoe frame and to bend my crampon teeth back into place. Good as new…sort of.

Once my snowshoes were back to a somewhat manageable state, I was back in the snow making my way to my vehicle. Although my snowshoes were usable, I had to deal with a new problem: The darkness. A headlamp would’ve worked great, but I managed to forget that important piece of equipment. Nobody’s perfect.

To purchase a good multi-tool, visit your local mountain outfitters and/or sports equipment store. Be prepared to spend between $25 to $125 for a multi-tool ranging in features. Some brands to watch for are Leatherman, Kershaw, Swiss Army, and Gerber (all these companies manufacturer a quality multi-tool).


About the author

Ryan Alford

Ryan Alford is the founder of Snowshoe Magazine and River Sports Magazine. He now spends his days in Texas working for Lockheed Martin but dreaming of being back in the mountains of his home state of Colorado.

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